A photo by David Schap

The Internet tells me today is International Day of the Girl. Well every day is the day of the girl around here. My 24-hours are filled with waking, clothing, feeding, driving, praying for, rolling my eyes at, arguing with, laughing with and totally loving (perhaps occasionally smothering) my four daughters.

And there is much talk today about what it means to be a girl in our world.

Today, as in these times, and then today, as in this actual news cycle on October 11, 2016. It has me wondering, Do my girls know the essence of why they are valuable? When all the headlines and corporate politically correct advertising is stripped away, do they know the true center of their worth? Just in case they don’t and they stumble on my blog someday, a little public note to my daughters on this official International Day of the Girl.


My sweets,

I’ve been thinking lots this week about what I am teaching you about being a girl…about being a woman. About what I know to be true about our value and how I’m passing on those beliefs to you.

There are lots of things I don’t say because I hope you are watching how I live. And there are lots of things I don’t say because I don’t want to lecture you about your value, I want you to experience it played out right here in our home. I know that I am your model for what it is to be an in-this-world woman. My work, my friendships, my relationship with Daddy all are extensions of who I am. They reflect how I feel about myself, my role in this world, the things God has called me to. Oh how I pray I am modeling well.

As evidenced above, I can’t write even a paragraph about what it means for me to be a woman without mentioning God’s hand. Because he is the one who made me. In his image. And he is the one who speaks my value. He is the maker that calls his creation good. This is what’s true.  I’ve certainly had voices in my life tell me other messages about who I am and what I’m worth, and you will likely as well. But the more we absorb what is true, the less likely we are to believe the lies.

No amount of cultural acceptance, debate, mistreatment changes this predetermined value you and I were born into. I know it and I hope you see me walking in that confidence.

I thank God every day for you my girls. That he made you girls. That he made you in his image. I thank him on a regular basis that he made you in this place in the world and this time in history. Because you have more choices, more freedom, here and now than girls have ever before. Are we in a perfect world? No. Are you made in his image? Yes.

My prayer for you my beauties is that you will walk in confidence of knowing he made you. He called you good. Your value is already determined. That you will remind each other of this truth as you grow. That you will tell others what is true of them and you will do the work God sets in front of you and you will call it good.


With love,


Your mama

