
Who’s ready to be thinking all things Christmas in August?! No one really is I realize. But in just four weeks I have a Christmas book releasing into the world and I’d love a few friends to get in the holiday spirit with me (even if it’s happening in 85 degree weather while sitting poolside.)

Loving My Actual Christmas: An Experiment in Relishing the Season releases September 5th! The day after Labor Day. Because let’s be serious, as soon as that calendar turns into September we are moving full force into the holiday season. We know Christmas is full of expectations, those we put on ourselves as we try to orchestrate the most memorable, magical time of the year for those we love. And we know it is impossible to do it all (and yet we keep trying.) This is a book about stopping, asking some pointed questions about what we want for ourselves and our families, and making an intentional plan for a meaningful holiday. Don’t you want to join me in this adventure? 

A launch team is simply a group of people who help get the word out about a new book. I think you’d be perfect! Here’s what you need to know.

Why I need a launch team:

The publishing world and the way we share about books is changing. The first few weeks of book sales are always critical. They show the book is promising and impacts all those logarithms that put the title in front of people. No longer are people reading the newspaper to hear about the newest read. They are looking on their Facebook feed and reading Amazon reviews (oh and still talking in real life with conversations they say and don’t type, that still happens too.) So it’s a way to get the word out about the book right when it is in release mode. To catapult it into the world.

What I’m looking for in a launch team member:

  1. A desire to do Christmas better. Whether that’s turning down the stress, the spending or the arguing, a hope that this year can be different.
  2. Follow through. I’m counting on the team. I have no New York marketing agency up my sleeve as Plan B. The Launch Team is part of both Plan A and Plan B.

What you will receive as a member of the Loving My Actual Christmas Launch Team:

  • A complimentary, pre-release e-book copy of Loving My Actual Christmas: An Experiment in Relishing the Season.
  • Membership in a private Facebook group with me and other Launch Team members.
  • An opportunity to win 10 paperback copies to duplicate the experiment with your group of friends or blog readers.
  • Chances to win other fun giveaways for you or your group.

As a member of the Loving My Actual Christmas Launch Team you agree to:

  • Write a brief and honest review on Amazon or some other retail site (BN.com, ChristianBooks.com, etc.).
  • Help spread the word about the book in any way you can, to your existing platform and beyond, during and leading up to the week of September 5th. This means real life friends (MOPS group, MOMSnext group, Bible Study, church group, carpool partners, room moms, whoever you are in conversation with) and virtual friends (who I realize may also be your real life friends) through sharing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, GoodReads with the hashtag #LovingMyActualChristmas.
  • Share ideas with me and the rest of the launch team as we brainstorm additional ways we might further expose the message of loving this holy holiday to an even greater audience. All ideas are welcome.
  • If you’re a blogger or podcaster write or talk about the book through that platform (and if you’re not we still want you). And please let me know via email or Twitter what you’re up to so that I can promote your content via social media.

That’s it!

But we have limited spots, so there’s an application process of sorts (way more formal than I tend to be, but limits are making it so.) To apply, complete this form:

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Why do you want to be part of the Loving My Actual Christmas Launch Team?’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’How do you plan to share about the book?’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’What is one idea you think the Launch Team can try?’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Anything else you%26#039;d like me to know?’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form] I will notify all selected team members by Monday, August 14th so we can get you reading!

If you are interested in making this Christmas one of hope, love, joy, and peace, rather than exhaustion and stress, I want to hear from you. Because I believe this year can be different!






